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Fees and payment

This page contains all the information you will need when it comes to paying to enter and attend the Asia FinTech Awards.

Registration fee 

Registration costs $350 USD. 

You only need to register once. When you have successfully registered, you can enter as many categories as you would like. 

Payment process 

Follow the registration link. Once you have entered your details you will be prompted to pay. 

Payment can be made by credit or debit card. 

Alternatively, if you would like to pay via invoice please email who can arrange this for you. 

The registration fee must be paid in full before you can enter the awards.

Ticket pricing

Tickets for the Asia FinTech Awards are priced as follows, with discounts available when you purchase 5 or more tickets:

Individual ticket: $425 USD

Between 5 and 9 tickets: $350 USD per ticket

10 or more tickets: $300 USD per ticket

Tickets become available to purchase once the shortlist has been selected by our judging panel. Please contact for more information.

Additional information 

If you have any questions or need support with anything please fill in our contact form and we will get in touch. 

To read the full terms and conditions click here.

Are you ready to enter The Asia FinTech Awards 2025?

These awards were developed to celebrate this incredible community, and the achievements and successes of Asia’s best and brightest.

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